Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Youtube Comments for Youtube Creators - Growth Hack School Youtube School

Tips for using Youtube Comments. Growth hacking, marketing for Youtube Creators.

How to drive better traffic using Youtube Comments? Here are some suggestions:

  • Pinning top comments, new updates
    • Link to newer versions of the video, address controversies, corrections, editing, make clarifications.
    • The pinned comment is the first one your reader will see. It's an important piece of digital real estate
    • Mention other helpful comments and contributions from fans
  • Create a sense of community by replying to thoughtful comments
    • Internet has plenty of distractions. If your visitors make an effort to comment, it's best if you return that favor by making relevant exchanges. You can make a fan feel valuable by address their frustration, heed their suggestion and make them feel involved by incorporating their suggestions in your next video and let them know!
  • Boost video relevance with interactions
    • Comments, likes, shares all help buoyant your video rank in Youtube. More relevant, clever, well received comments and replies mean more views.
    • Consider commenting a continuation of your content
  •  Definitely pay attention to the newest comment and top comment
    • There are two default filters available: organizing comments by newest first or most popular. It's important that you as the creator take care of these top ranked members of the "leaderboard", which will likely be viewed by your channel visitors.
  • Screen comments for content suggestions
    • FBE (formerly the Fine Brothers Entertainment) of the Kids React videos and other React channels will ask viewers to contribute to "what shall we react to next". Great brainstorming and idea generations happen right in the comment section. It's a creative way to make the users feel like a part of a community and generate brilliant ideas. Then they give the users a shoutout in the new video, giving thanks. 
  • Ask for engagement in the video
    • What's an effective call-to-action in a Youtube video? Literally ask the users to subscribe and comment as they are watching. Sometimes this gentle nudge is all it takes to boost interactions and relevance of your video.
    • Also see the FBE Fine Brothers asking for user contributions in the above section.

Repurposing Content - Growth Hacking School

Tips and tricks to recycle reuse your existing content. Saves times, drives traffic and generates new leads. Here are some practical tips to repurpose your content. First of all, invest time to develop a quality information dense content. This can be a long Youtube video, a talk show, an ultimate guide ebook, ... something long format. Then connect this piece of content with a landing page or a publishing platform such as Youtube, and connect it with a call-to-action that matches your business' marketing objective. Now draw segments from this content tank, reformat and republish to fit customers, properly in different stages of their customer journey.

Read the blog below or watch this video abridged version instead.

  • Display a pull out quote or a text image
    • Got a highlight, quote-worthy sentence? Pull it out, highlight it, entice people to learn more
  • Turn Youtube video clips into gifs for easy meaningful consumption a blog or a web page. For example: I created this 200 frames gif from a recipe posted on Imgur. It'd be nice the brand owner added a watermark for channel name or brand name. This way customers who become aware of this video may become aware of the brand and subscribe on a later day.

Note this format is more consumable during a private moment (commute, meeting),
effective in low band width access (travel, remote etc)

Increasing the number of frames makes this gif more soothing and less dizzy. Recommend 300 to 500 frames for a complex recipe
  • Turn podcast and other multi-media contents into blog posts.  Who still read blogs? I do, you do. Blogs are easier to consume than ad-ridden news sites, multi-media and Youtube. Low band width, travel, commuting time audience is valuable. Shopify Masters was once a stand alone podcast, acquired by Shopify. Its content is published on SoundCloud as a podcast as a business case study and also a blog post. Great job using the content 3 ways. 
Shopify repurpose its contents 3 ways.

"Lookbook hero images" are informative, high quality,
and instagram worthy. It is effective visual marketing.
  • Use high quality hero images. I do this in my retail lab and pilot store on Shopify. I use "look book" hero image to depict my product in an environment that the consumers can relate for example a S'well water bottle in the Equinox gym. A picture is worth a thousand words : it's telling my customers that if you like fancy gyms, workout and modern yoga you would love this water bottle. Since it's high quality, the image is instagram worthy, and twitter handy (tweets with images get higher interaction) 
  • Post Youtube videos on your blog! Youtube share allows you to share on Tumblr, Blogger, Google Plus and Twitter!

Stay in touch 
About the writer: she has worked at two YCombinator startups on growth marketing, shared expert opinions at Google Blogger, Google, and appeared on Fast Company, VentureBeat, TechCrunch. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Best Trailer Announcement Ever - House of Cards President Underwood

Trump is easily the top search term of news sites, Google, and social media. President Underwood did not hesitate to seize the moment for his announcement - trailer announcement for Netflix's House of Cards Season 5. The power couple's pretend-to-be collaboration seems to turn them into a terrifying team force and this drama into a thriller. At the end of the trailer, Frank Underwood seems terrifying just reciting numbers. This email marketing campaign is very timely, relevant, and has strong affinity to current events. Nicely done by the Underwoods.

Social Media Disasters

  • Pepsi advertisement offends activists. Pepsi tried to defend its commercial amidst social outcry until it became unsalvageable. They ignored the social media backlash. 

  • United violently removed paid customer Dr. Dao to make room for its commuting crews and refused to apologize until stock value evaporated and the CEO will no longer be considered as a candidate to the chairman seat. 
  • United Breaks Guitar
    • Given the recent incident of United violently removing Dr. Dao and incurring a huge social backlash, you would wish they have learned a thing or two from the past. Such as this United Breaks Guitar song that has garnered 17 Million Views on Youtube. When it happened, United also lost share values. Dejavu United